Dub dub DUB.. my lady

Dubstep Remix #4

uaca maca pac pac prrrra...

autohton.. apasa.

ba, da desteapta-te romane 8bit e ceva, :))
e de pus pe mobil ca sonerie.

parca am niste flashuri cu rupere de mui asaa..

Dirty porn song

Rock on...

Meet Zulu.

Zulu is a virtual DJ mixing software program provided by NCH Software, a business audio software company that was established in 1993. They develop software for more than 100 Mac, Palm Pocket and Windows applications. A few of the company’s other popular programs include WavePad Sound Editor, an application used primarily for audio editing via advanced tools and audio effects; Prism Video File Converter, an application that is able to convert video files so that they are compatible with myriad different formats on the PC and the Mac; and Switch Sound File Converter, a comprehensive and stable sound converter application program that allows you to convert and compress sound files.
Zulu has a great user interface packed with advanced features and versatility. As the best overall DJ mixing software, Zulu earns the TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award.

Some of the other features included in this DJ mixing software are the ability to cross fade between tracks, preview tracks via headphones, automatic beat detection, real-time pitch and tempo control and keyboard hot keys. Once a track is loaded onto a deck, amateur DJs have the ability to automatically scan files to assign a BPM (beat per minute) and switch around the tempo in order to synchronize it perfectly.
DJs can also utilize this software’s built-in, drag-and-drop feature to move music anywhere within the program and can preview tracks before they play them. The program supports all of the current file formats used for audio tracks.

Zulu allows you to apply effects like distortion, reverb and delay on the fly. This DJ mixing software product is one that quite simply grooves to the beat of its own drummer. That is to say that it can virtually do everything you expect a DJ program to do. The program is completely compatible with virtually every single audio file formats, including .avi, .mpg ,.mpeg, .wmv, .asf, .wav, .mp3, .wma, .aif, .aiff and .amr. It can also be used with any USB audio DJ mixing console, such as an audiophile turntable, music studio bundle and a fast track ultra audio interface.

When it comes to DJ mixing software program performance, there are not too many that can hold a candle to Zulu. The program has a superior ability to apply its many performance features in real-time, along with its comprehensive and individualized BPM settings and intuitive interface makes this a near perfect DJ mixing software program.
Some of the other performance features that are related to this amateur DJ mixing software program and offered through their parent company NCH Software include music editing software, CD ripper, MP3 converter, software that allows you the ability to digitize vinyl records, multi-track music recording and audio file converter.

Those who decide to purchase this DJ mixing software should know that their customer service and technical support is as complete and comprehensive as it gets. Along with a page dedicated solely to rooting out and fixing bugs within the company’s software products, NCH Software has taken the various theories, concepts and ideas that go along with customer service and technical support and turned them into functional, tangible and creative tools. They provide a number of these different help and support category options on their website. Their support system includes an email contact form on which they also provide direct links to their purchasing, activation and registration support pages.
The company has also created an informative and interactive customer forum section on their site, on which many of your potential questions can be answered or discussed by other users. This can sometimes prove to be a more valuable source of help and information than company-administered technical support because it tends to be a more comfortable, relaxed and simplified method that’s normally free of confusing and obscure technical industry jargon.
Another option for customer service and technical support that this company offers is a support plan. These are available for a nominal fee and tend to provide a more comprehensive and continuous form of support than the email contact page or the forums.
A third option for customers and potential customers to get help is their Frequently Asked Questions page. On this page, you can find out if Zulu is MIDI compatible (not at the present time), how to purchase the Masters version of the DJ software and its cost, all of the file formats that this program supports and many other pricing, sales and purchasing answers.
And finally, NCH Software has put together a software suggestions and feedback page. This is the place where you can tell the company all of your ideas for improvements to their current line of software products, including Zulu DJ, you can also input any thoughts or suggestions you might have for them in regards to how they can make the best use of emerging technologies and features for their products. Customers and individuals can also submit a suggestion on new programs they think NCH Software should research and develop in the future. If the company uses your idea, they will set you up with a copy of the new product for free.

In an extremely competitive field of DJ mixing software, Zulu stands just a bit taller than all of the rest. The intuitive and advanced features of this program, including a user-friendly, simple and straightforward interface, help them rise to the top of our rankings. The software is compatible with most, if not all, audio formats, including wav, mp3 and wma.
Perhaps the most impressive feature of this DJ mixing software is the somewhat intangible feature of technical support and customer service. Not only does the company provide multiple sources for contacting their support staff, they also provide customer forums and a free version of the software for non-commercial use. In this way, potential customers can see the functions and features of the DJ software up close and in-person, allowing the individual to play around with it for a while and possibly answer any lingering questions they still have bouncing around in their head. The free downloadable version of the software also comes with a help manual, which users can open and print from within the software program itself.

alternative for old Atomix DJ.
HERE u can download Zulu DJ Software

random eargasm



let the music play


i luv bass

nush, da e bine...cred

ca in liceu ............

Bai Animale!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

poate da(ă) dependenta... dar poate te scoate din sevraj

iSnort = iPhone pt junkisti.

satira, sarcasm, caterinca, adevar

Şi acum priviţi cu spaimă faţa noastră sceptic-rece,
Vă miraţi cum de minciuna astăzi nu vi se mai trece?
Când vedem că toţi aceia care vorbe mari aruncă
Numai banul îl vânează şi câştigul fără muncă,
Azi, când fraza lustruită nu ne poate înşela,
Astăzi alţii sunt de vină, domnii mei, nu este-aşa?
Prea v-aţi atătat arama sfâşiind această ţară,
Prea făcurăţi neamul nostru de ruşine şi ocară,
Prea v-aţi bătut joc de limbă, de străbuni şi obicei,
Ca să nu s-arate-odată ce sunteţi - nişte mişei!
Da, câştigul fără muncă, iată singura pornire;
Virtutea? e-o nerozie; Geniul? o nefericire.
 Mihai Eminescu - Scrisoarea a 3 a 

finalul poeziei; cam ciudat se aplica si in zilele noastre... :|

clasic... razi ceva nu gluma :))

d`abia astept sa iasa asta :D

whuaw :X

Dancing in the Dark

Don't stop...bouncin'

Hai impinge :))

Magnetic Man - Perfect Stranger (f/ Katy B) (Video) from Adrien Picard on Vimeo.

Urban Dictionary


Someone who believes (1) any problem can be fixed by smoking marijuana, and (2) any activity is more enjoyable whilst stoned.
John: "Hey man, wanna hang out?"
Pothead: "Yeah sure, you wanna smoke a bowl?"
John: "I dunno man, my throat's been kinda sore lately."
Pothead: "Oh that's ok, a bowl will fix that."
John: "Really? Well I've got this Government test tomorrow too, so I probably shouldn't smoke."
Pothead: "Pot makes studying easier. You'll enjoy the subject more!"
John: "You're full of shit. Next you'll tell me weed can fix my chronic back pain and I should get high before visiting my grandma in the nursing home."
Pothead: "I'm glad you understand now. Got a lighter?"

Abtine-te.....daca poti

Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives. Bias can come in many forms.
-adica un soi de tandinta naturala, parte integrata a caracterului fiecaruia-

The Restraint Bias is the tendency to overestimate one’s ability to show restraint in the face of temptation, or the “perceived ability to have control over an impulse,” generally relating to hunger, drug and sexual impulses. The truth is people do not have control over visceral impulses; you can ignore hunger, but you cannot wish it away. You might find the saying: “the only way to get rid of temptation is to give into it” amusing, however, it is true. If you want to get rid of you hunger, you have to eat. Restraining from impulses is incredibly hard; it takes great self-control. However, most people think they have more control than they actually do. For example, most addicts’ say that they can “quit anytime they want to,” but this is rarely the case in real life.

Interesting Fact: unfortunately, this bias has serious consequences. When an individual has an inflated (perceived) sense of control over their impulses, they tend to overexpose themselves to temptation, which in turn promotes the impulsive behavior.

Make love with the music

'030' by The Good The Bad (UNCUT) from 030 on Vimeo.

de duminica..

da nu prea gaseam la ce sa privesc in seara asta.. le teve titanic.. mai gasisem "Twelve" cica despre un drog care ii ca coca si ex la un loc, plm cam trist si filmu` asta asa ca m-am reorientat sii am gasit asta.. :)) :

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)


Poate  unii l-ati vazut, poate va placut sau nu.. eu de abea acum am gasit filmul asta.
Nu va ganditi la nu stiu ce minunatii de efecte, filmul are totusi 23 de ani dar nu de efecte e vb aici.. ideea in sine e minunata. Sunt sigur ca e cu mult peste cartea deci o recomand si pe aceasta cu mare placere amaturilor de Adventure/Fantasy.. Ce sa zic chill & fun.
Uite si un trailer:
daca tot o sa va uitati la el cautati macar un BRRip.

Ceva absurd aproape obtinut.

Timpul clar nu neaga evolutia
Perfid parsiv omiti decat solutia
Concret observi ca ai ales opusul la
Dorinta, speranta & incerci sa-ajungi
                         si la concluzia
Cum necum ratezi cam ce e ar trebui sa-ti fie lectia

Gandesti ca ce-ai facut e de prisos
Nici vointa, nici credinta, fara rost
Lehamite incerci sa mai repari ce-a fost
Neputincios, calm, tacticos dar nemilos
Sa crezi, sa vrei si totusi s`aiba rost
Furtuna din tabloul rapciugos

Dorinta, soarta vitrega, neputinta
N`ajung la un consens cu nicio fiinta
Avand ca scop doar umilinta
Si-n alte cazuri chiar si abnegatia

Nu`ngreunez, doar recreez o parte..
Din pareri si scopuri adunate
Alungate pentru o eternitate
Din gand, din cap si acum din fapte

Nu sper dar stiu ca meditatia
Poa sa ajute pe parcurs la regasirea
Sentimentelor ingropate
Intr-un colt de suflet, renegate
Legand iubiri ce-au stat deoparte
Fara a fi bagate`n seama de realitate

Ai grija ce si cum blamezi
Mai tarziu e greu sa le revezi
Mania, ura, dusmania
Pericliteaza armonia.

in niciun caz nu e un sfat, dar e sigur, ai grija ce-ti doresti ca se poate implinii si nu e loc de regrete.
un 11 minunat va doresc plin de pace si incredere restul vine o data cu echilibrul iar scopul nu mai scuza mijloacele.