Buna perspectiva

Bjork - All Is Full Of Love (Chris Su Remix) by DomnulBolog

Ce vroiam sa zic....

Se intampla lucruri dubioase, n'ai zice?
Vroiam sa scriu ceva pe blogu asta, dar m'am pierdut in idei. Sunt prea multe si nu pot sa ma prind de nici una decat de asta, adica, ca am uitat.
Vroiam sa vorbesc despre filingela si iubareala, acum cu toate sarbatorile astea de februarie. Nu am nici o parere pentru ca eu stau si astept sa vad ce mi se intampla si, ma rog, nu se intampla nimic :))). Trebuia sa il gasesc aseara pe Travolta prin Goblin, dar m'am imbatat :D
Mai vroiam sa intru si pe subiectul "legalele ilegale"....daca ceva e ilegal nu inseamna ca nu exista. Speram sa apara droguri adevarate, dar stiam de fapt ca o sa apara oferte pe sub mana la legale, ceea ce s'a si intamplat...eh. Rabdare copii...
Un aspect pozitiv la toata treaba asta cu legalele e ca au mai invatat si oamenii cu ce se mananca "uaaaiii ce m'am prajit!". Am vazut oameni de la 40 de ani pana la copii de 13 morti, morti, morti, cu dare albe pe la nas si o sumedenie de alti oameni la care nu te astepti sa fie niste junkisti ordinari...maxim de amuzant. Am avut de cateva ori sentimentul de "ha! acum ai inteles? Drogatule! :))))". Impactul social este booom, iar boomul e foarte tare de urmarit si analizat. In principiu te caci pe tine de ras.
Este ora 11.33 AM, si cred ca o sa mai dureze . Ora la care va fi postat postul asta, este ora la care l'am inceput. Ca idee...mai am cva de scris dar tre sa'mi dau seama ce. Te anunt la ce ora am terminat.
Planuri de mai? Ma gandeam Rebirth de pe 29 pana pe 2 si apoi in vama pana la majoratul lu' Dimi. Abia astept sa ma tarasc prin nisip cu oamenii astia.
E o idee buna si nu mai suport orasul asta plin de jeg si monotonie si balti si frig. Vreau sa simt soarele pe piele. E minunat soarele, simti cum te ia in brate. Acum ma imbrac pana nu mai pot sa imi indoi mana. Mai e un pic.
Eu nu am program. Nu fac nimic. Nu am munca, nu am scoala, frec duda toata ziua si ma joc jocuri pe facebook. Da, ma joc aproape toate jocurile cu ferme si insule de pe facebook. Tiki Farm, Happy Island, Country Story, mai multe. Si ieri, in timp ce imi strangeam recolta de "pineapple plant" ma intrebam daca, copii mici, americani si prosti chiar cred ca iese pur si simplu un ananas din pamant...pe filmul "de unde vine laptele? de la supermarket"....in fine, era dor un gand...
Creierul meu e ca bila de taguri a lu' Bolog. Na ca am facut si reclama fara sa vreau...asta este, e prea buna comparatia :)).
O concluzie buna care am tras'o in ultima vreme: O fi el un om bun si de treaba, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu e nebun. Se aplica multora dintre cunoscutii mei.
Gata, am umplut randurile cu ceva, acum ma retrag. E 12.50, nu a durat chiar atat de mult. :D Uite si o chilluiala draguta:


Spor inovator.

Ce stie mai nou nenea Spor.

Love is a grave mental disease.

Internationally STONED

Quick! Make something illegal!

Sadly, they've just done so and you can no longer purchase psylocybin mushrooms.

RalfN :
The central government did that. But the police focus on whatever the local government wants.
It's still everywhere.

but everything is everywhere.. whoa. i need to cut back on shrooms.

But is anything anywhere?

lhnz 2:
No it's not. That's a bizarre thought.

But nothing's gotta be somewhere, right?

nothing is the lack of somewhere?

Nothing is the lack of something, if something is somewhere then nothing is nowhere.
So you are right.

Asta am gasit pe un forum cand dadeam pe stumble "stoned". Mi s'a parut maxim de amuzant :D



Buna dimineata O.o

Dubber Johnny - Obsession by Dubber Johnny


Zi proasta?!?....starting not to care in 5...4...3...2...1...mi se rupe

Ha Ha Ha!!! Miauuuuuuu

High Rankin - Meow Meow by High Rankin
It's legal man, it's ok!!!
Undeeee's boabele aleaaa :(( !?!



now everybody....Skream...

Ia-ti-o pe realitate...Spike...

Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

Ia-ti gadget...

oare cand o sa aiba si iPhone-ul applicatia asta?

Having fun...like no other

Si ceva clasic...

[no comment]

Caspa is doing that trick again...check it....

Suna bine previewul asta...ar fi blanisimo sa mai vina la un party cum a fost cel de anul trecut. Cine se baga? :D

Borgore Ruined Dubstep EP

preview la urmatorul ep din martie.

Guvernul a scos etnobotanicele din Spice Shop-uri în afara legii

Publicat: 10 Februarie 2010

Guvernul a aprobat, astăzi, printr-o ordonanţă de urgenţă, interzicerea comercializării a 36 de substanţe şi plante etnobotanice, asimilate drogurilor, care se găsesc în magazinele Spice Shop sau Legally Smoke.

Actul normativ aprobat de Guvern introduce în categoria drogurilor 27 de substanţe şi 9 plante etnobotanice cu efect halucinogen, care nu mai pot fi deţinute şi comercializate.

Măsura va intra în vigoare de îndată ce va fi publicată în Monitorul Oficial, fiind acordat apoi un anumit interval de tranziţie de zece zile de la publicare pentru distrugerea produselor aflate pe stoc.

Ordonanţa de urgenţă permite numai anumitor categorii de persoane specializate care pot deţine astfel de plante, dar în cantiţăţi mici, destinate tratamentului terapeutic şi utilizării ca eşantion de probă şi comparaţie cu alte produse similare care vor fi eventual descoperite ca fiind vândute ilegal.

Potrivit unui comunicat al Ministerului Sănătăţii, aceste substanţe se găsesc în produse care se vând de regulă sub formă de ţigări, comprimate, prafuri, fragmente vegetale ambalate în plicuri, sub diverse denumiri, preţurile de vânzare variind în funcţie de gramaj.

De exemplu:

Special gold - sare: 0,25 g - 40 lei, 0,75 g - 90 lei
Pulse - pulbere: 0,5 g - 30 lei, 3 g -119 lei
Fly Agaric Mushroom - ciuperci uscate: 12 g - 60 lei
Spice Diamond - fragmente vegetale: 1 g - 50 lei
Spice Gold Spirit - pulbere: 3 g - 90 lei

Puteţi consulta lista completă a planetelor şi substanţelor interzise aici.

deci :) e amuzanta dar sa zicem si normala aceasta actiune.

sursa www.capital.ro

caterinca tema asta pentru firefox :D


Poate putin amuzant...legat de subiectul blogului

AITILOP si jandarmeria umileste Romania

Fig.1)Masa la tzara...Sunca, Timisoreana si vinishor
Fig.2) "Antrenamentul" special

Pentru Drogy si banana ei

Uiteeeeeeeee Poza pentru calendarul pe luna Mai

De ce?????

Nu are sens nu are logica dar se intampla ceva dubios aici pe blogul asta...
Ce-s cu boxele alea?
Asta este o mini poveste.

BJK fumam??..............NU!....................................=>NUUUU AM VROOOTT SA FIE ASA!!!!

A song about what we like.....FEED YOUR HEAD!

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know ;)

Art Via Kex & Rada

Ma pish pe paranoia ta de retardat

Tonight @ Fabrika

Goooo Trulia :))



Would you like green buds and hash?
- No I would not, Mister Stash!

Would you like them in a bong?
Would you like them all day long?

- No I would not in a bong!
- No I would not all day long!
- I do not like green buds and hash.
- I do not want them Mister Stash!

Would you like them wrapped in paper?
Will you try them now or later?

- I do not want them wrapped in paper.
- I don't want them now or later.
- I don't want them in a bong,
- I do not want them all day long.
- I do not like green buds and hash,
- I do not want them Mister Stash!

Would you like them in a joint?
- No I would not, what's the point?

Perhaps you would prefer a puff?
Just have one, that is enough.

- I won't partake, not of a puff,
- Nor a hoot, nor hit, nor huff!

Would you try a tiny toke?
- No I don't want any smoke!

What if they were vaporized?
- I've told you no a thousand times!

Would you, could you, in a cake?
Or in cookies I can bake?

- I do not want them in a cake,
- Or in cookies you could bake.
- I do not want them vaporized,
- Or other means you have devised.
- I do not wish to try a toke,
- Or otherwise inhale smoke.
- I won't participate in puffs,
- You have asked me quite enough!
- I get no joy from juicy joints,
- I really do not see the point.
- I do not want to use the bong,
- I think that buds and hash are wrong.

In a tincture would you take it?
I could show you how to make it.

- I do not want them in a tincture
- Or in any other mixture!
- I do not want green buds and hash,
- I do not want them Mister Stash!
- Why do you care if I try them?
- Will you profit if I buy them?

I offer buds and hash for free,
There is no benefit to me.
Someone said that that you were sick,
green buds and hash might do the trick.
If you find you're getting thinner,
With no appetite for dinner,
Or you suffer from sclerosis,
Epilepsy or neuroses,
For almost all the ills that ail ya,
buds and hash will never fail ya.
Have glaucoma? PMS?
Green buds and hash have much success.
For protection against strokes,
Its best to have some potent tokes.
If your muscles are not dandy,
Try some green bud infused candy.
For migraines, spasms, even cancer,
Green buds and hash provide the answer.
If you are not feeling right,
Then have green buds and hash tonight.

- It's true I am not feeling great,
- My health's been rather poor of late.
- My doctor says that I have ills,
- He told me I should take these pills.
- I cannot even sleep at night,
- I never do feel quite alright.
- I will try green buds and hash,
- I will try them Mister Stash!


- Hey now I am feeling good!
- They worked just like you said they would.
- I have never felt this fine!
- Green buds and hash are quite divine!
- I will bake a green bud brownie,
- Whenever I am feeling frowny.
- I will try them vaporized,
- That technique seems very wise.
- I will take them in a tincture,
- And in every other mixture.
- Perhaps I would prefer to puff,
- And stop when I have had enough.
- I will roll some massive joints,
- And smoke them down to little points.
- I will toke upon the bong,
- I will do it all day long.
- I really like green buds and hash,
- I do enjoy them Mister Stash!
- Thanks for being so insistent
- And for being so persistent.
- My mind and body are improved,
- My spirit also has been moved.
- Though I was told they are a sin,
- Green buds and hash are medicine.
- I'm sorry that I was so hateful,
- Now I know I should be grateful!
- Thank you, thank you, Mister Stash,
- Thank you for green buds and hash!

Reply de la martieni...:)))

Pot comenta decat prin poza asta.. :))


Lispsa de somn.... talent.... scanner :)))

Mai ascultati d`astea?


Neata inca o data.

Nu stiu daca e adevarat, dar e amuzant

Check this out:

"Congressman legalizes pot for himself"

Bugs Bunny se juca cu Duffy Duck....rezultatul:

Orice asemanare cu persoane reale sau poreclele acestora este o pura coincidenta...

Chicks on weed ;)